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one-to-one marketing造句

"one-to-one marketing"是什么意思  
  • Design and realization of classification system of one - to - one marketing based on data mining
  • One - to - one marketing , 4rs marketing and supply chain integration , supply a great deal of inspiration to the construction of model
    “一对一”营销、 4r营销、以及供应链一体化等思想都为模型的建立提供了许多有益的启示。
  • This one - to - one marketing becomes more important , because it forces service suppliers to offer the individual information to proper customers
  • By executing one - to - one marketing , the tpl corporations can win the competitive advantage on productivity and value so that they become the market leaders which take advantage in the respects of cost and service quality
  • Among the suggestions , the following two are emphasized : first , gradually promoting " one - to - one marketing " with the establishment and analysis of the customer database , and expanding customer relationship and customer value through customer relationship management to obtain unparalleled competitive advantages ; secondly , organizing the human resources from the marketing stand point by applying company ' s outside marketing means to its internal marketing , and improving the company employees " quality through the inside marketing
    其中重点讨论了两点:首先,在建立和分析顾客数据库的基础上,逐步推行“一对一营销” ,通过实施顾客关系管理,全方位扩充顾客关系与价值,使公司获得对手难以模仿的竞争优势;其次,将公司用于外部市场的营销手段和方法运用到公司内部,以营销学观点为基础管理组织人力资源,通过开展内部营销,提高公司的整体素质。
  • Through using the new marketing theory , business tourism enterprises can solve many actual problems and get the wider developing space . this paper has five parts : the first part analyses the one - to - one marketing theory and introduces the research of the theory ; the second part gives a clear concept and connotation of business tourism ; the third part analyses the problems of business tourism enterprises ; the fourth part introduces how to use one - to - one marketing theory in business tourism enterprises and the changes brought by the theory ; the last part draws a conclusion of using the one - to - one marketing theory in business tourism enterprises
  • Through making unremitting effort , some native tpl corporation , . eg . guangzhou baogong logistics group , have prepared requisition for applying the one - to - one marketing theory to their operation in the respects of corporation management , logistics information technology , corporation culture and so forth
    经过第三方物流企业的不懈努力,以广州宝供物流集团为代表的国内第三方物流企业在企业管理、物流信息技术、以及企业文化建设等方面为实践“一对一”营销准备了条件, “一对一”营销思想在一些第三方物流企业的经营中已初露端倪。
  • The construction of one - to - one marketing model which is the top strategy of customer relationship management ( crm ) need go through four procedures . namely analysis , planning , execution and control . the feasibility analysis and market analysis is the basis and prerequisite of constructing the one - to - one marketing model in the tpl corporations , on the other hand , the design , execution , control and evaluation of model , which is all linked with one another and undivided , comprise the core segments of whole framework
    作为客户关系管理的“顶尖”战略, “一对一”营销模式的建立需要经历分析、计划、执行和控制四个环节。可行性分析和市场分析是构建第三方物流企业的“一对一”营销模型的基础和前提,而模型的设计、实施、控制和评价则是整体框架的核心部分,它们是环环相扣,密不可分的。
  • With the guidance of such theories and rules mentioned above , the one - to - one marketing model that is designed in this paper can be summarized as follows : the clienteles is its center , the one - to - one work team is its soul , and the logistics resources chain is its tools to serve clienteles . on the basis of satisfying the clienteles " decision variables ( 4cs ) , the corporation makes its marketing decision by the two - way communication with the clienteles , pays attention to maintain and exploit the clienteles , and supplies clienteles the systematized and personalized logistics service
    以上述理论和原则为指导,本文构想的“一对一”营销模型可概括为:以客户为中心,以“一对一”团队为灵魂,以物流资源链为服务手段,第三方物流企业通过与客户的双向沟通,在满足客户决策变量( 4cs )的基础上制定营销决策( 4rs ) ,注重客户的保有和开发,实现客户的系列化、个性化的物流服务。
  • If you re targeting at one - to - one marketing , online advertising will be the first choice because the web lets you deliver direct messages to your desired audience , helps you develop relationships with individual consumers , target a very attractive group of consumers and reach them at on a regular basis in a very cost - effective way
  • It's difficult to see one-to-one marketing in a sentence. 用one-to-one marketing造句挺难的
  • In the new market environment , the traditional production - oriented , product - oriented , technology - oriented and market - oriented have n ' t made corporations gain competitive advantages any longer , only the customer - oriented and one - to - one marketing can provide corporations with continual advantages in the drastic market competition
  • So , they have many problems like marketing concept problem , management ideal problem and marketing tactics problem , etc . this paper mainly wants to prove the one - to - one marketing theory is the useful modern marketing theory to business tourism enterprises in this information age
  • According to the relevant theory of relationship marketing - a new markting trend for the 21 century , this paper gives some proposals on how to develop relationship marketing based on crm , database marketing and interrior marketing . it emphasizes on two aspects : first , with the establishment and analysis of the customer database we can adopt enclosure tactics and gradually push the strategy of one - to - one marketing so as to obtain an expansion of customer relationship and value as competitive advantage difficult to imitate by the rivals . second , employ the marketing strategy adopted in exterior market to the inner company , thus enhancing the overall quality of the company by means of interior promotion with powerfull human resourse management based on the marketing concept
    其中,重点讨论了两点:首先,在建立和分析顾客数据库的基础上,采用“围栏战术” ,逐步推行“一对一营销” ,通过实施顾客关系管理,全方位扩充顾客关系与价值,使公司获得对手难以模仿的竞争优势;其次,将公司用于外部市场的营销手段和方法运用到公司内部,以营销学观点为基础管理组织人力资源,通过开展内部资源,提高公司的整体素质。
  • It emphasizes on two aspects : first , with the establishment and analysis of the customer database we can adopt enclosure tactics and gradually push the strategy of one - to - one marketing so as to obtain an expansion of customer relationship and value as well as competitive advantages difficult to imitate by the rivals . second , employ the marketing strategy adopted in exterior market to the inner company , thus enhancing the overall quality of the company by means of interior promotion with powerful human resource management based on the marketing concept
    其中重点讨论了两点:首先,在建立和分析顾客数据库的基础上,采用“围栏战术” ,逐步推行“一对一营销” ,通过实施顾客关系管理,全方位扩充顾客关系与价值,使公司获得对手难以模仿的竞争优势;其次,将公司用于外部市场的营销手段和方法运用到公司内部,以营销学观点为基础管理组织人力资源,通过开展内部营销,提高公司的整体素质。
如何用one-to-one marketing造句,用one-to-one marketing造句one-to-one marketing in a sentence, 用one-to-one marketing造句和one-to-one marketing的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。